CİHAN YUMURTA started its activities in 1973 to meet the sectoral expectations of our country with an approach in line with the demands and expectations of the market, without compromising on quality. It has always been one of the leading companies in terms of establishment and mechanization by improving itself, following technological developments. Today, it produces 250.000.000 eggs annually with its 3 facilities and meets the needs of the consumer.
CİHAN YUMURTA who reaching a rapid technological investment trend increased its daily egg production capacity to 600,000 eggs with the commissioning of the coops made using the latest technology. It meets the demands of the consumers on time with the sorting machine, packaging unit, and logistics network available today. Eggs coming from the henhouse are taken to the sorting machine, product quality and hygiene are monitored and recorded regularly at all stages of production following the standards. During production, hidden cracks, broken and dirty eggs are separated, all stages of production are controlled and customer satisfaction is prioritized.
White S, M, L, XL, Omega 3, and Selenium Eggs are produced in CİHAN YUMURTA Çukurköy Egg Production Facility. Brown Free-Run Chicken Eggs are produced in CİHAN YUMURTA Erkmen Egg Production Facility and Organic Chicken Eggs are produced in CİHAN YUMURTA Sülün Egg Production Plant. In the product portfolio offered by CİHAN YUMURTA to its consumers; There are eggs containing Omega 3, which especially helps cardiovascular health, eggs containing Selenium, which helps cell renewal by delaying ageing, and Organic eggs obtained from chickens fed completely organic foods. Also, XL / Extra Large Egg options enrich the product portfolio for those who love double-wrapped and large-sized eggs.
Using the latest technology in production stages, CİHAN YUMURTA has reached a feed production capacity of 300 tons per day with its newly built fully automated feed factory. CİHAN YUMURTA produces its feed with carefully selected raw materials, avoiding feed-related problems and ensuring that the consumer can consume eggs with peace of mind. CİHAN YUMURTA serves consumers and offers natural and healthy eggs. All products produced are within the scope of HACCP, all stages are inspected and also, the raw materials used in chicken feed and the eggs produced are analyzed in the laboratories in our facilities and delivered to the consumer.
CİHAN YUMURTA exports 50.000.000 eggs annually. Our company is taking a leading role in exports in the egg sector has contributed to Turkey's foreign trade. Countries to which we export our eggs; Dubai, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Somalia.
One of the most important issues for CİHAN YUMURTA is recycling. The waste chicken manure in our farm is converted into electricity in our Biogas Plant. Thus, a new energy source was created by preventing the damage caused by the gases emitted by waste fertilizers to the environment and the atmosphere. It helps to protect natural resources by generating our energy in our facilities.
With our 48 years of experience in the production of healthy and delicious eggs of high-quality with the latest technological facilities and improved customer service to our customers from all around Turkey, it leads to the achievement of our mission.
We want to be recognized as a company with high social responsibility and environmental awareness, adopting modern production techniques, constantly creating new values for our customers, employees, and society in a good working environment.
Our Food Safety Policy
Cihan Yumurta olarak yumurta üretim ve paketleme tesislerimizde;
Müşteri beklentilerini en iyi şekilde karşılamayı, müşteri odağını üretimin tüm aşamalarında ön planda tutmayı,
Yasal gerekliliklere uyum sağlayarak eksiksiz bir şekilde yerine getirmeyi sağlamayı,
Sürekli gelişim ve eğitim faaliyetleri ile çalışan personelin yetkinliğini artırmayı,
Yetkin personel ve iş tecrübesi ile ürün kalitesi ve gıda güvenliğini koruyarak geliştiren bir yapıya sahip olmayı,
Faaliyet gösterdiği yumurta üretimi sektöründe öncü ve gelişmiş teknolojiyi takip ederek uygulamayı,
Üretimin her aşamasını Gıda Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemine göre kurduğumuz; Gıda Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemimizin anlayışına uygun şekilde sevk ve idare etmeyi,
Gereken kaynakları sağlayıp, sürekli olarak iyileştirme yaparak, alt yapı ve çalışma ortamı gibi işletmemizin ihtiyaç duyacağı kaynakları yaratarak sürekli ve sürdürebilir güvenli ve kaliteli ürünler üretmeyi,
Gıda güvenliği yönetim sistemimize uygun hedefler oluşturmayı ve bunların düzenli aralıkla takip edilmesini sağlamayı,
Organizasyon şemamıza göre birimler arası iç iletişim ve müşteri, resmi mercii ve kurumlar ile kalite biriminin dış iletişimde olmasını,
Kurduğumuz gıda güvenliği sistemi ile güvenilir gıda üretiminde yetkinliğin sağlanmasını,
Taahhüt eder.